Friday, March 10, 2017

Kaspersky Cleaner, the new cleaning and optimization tool

Kaspersky Cleaner is the new utility of Kaspersky which, like tools like CCleaner or AVG PC Tuneup , allows to eliminate the junk files of our system doing it faster.

Kaspersky Cleaner

Kaspersky Cleaner is a cleaning and optimization tool for Windows to delete junk files and temporary applications, change the setting to system performance, avoid to track user activity and delete files with signs of activity, free resources in four modules.

The interface of the program is very simple and very intuitive, especially to check the button on the primordial screen. The user can see the deficiencies of the system by clicking on the outcomes of each module, which are sorted according to their relevance. It is possible that the drawbacks will be solved, as with any tool of this style.

Kaspersky Cleaner
System Cleanup: Empty the Recycle Bin and Delete Temporary Files
Restore System Settings: Restores the settings that were harmed in the operating system
Private Browsing:  Squeeze Personal Information to Block Browsers
Remove Activity Traces: Remove Cookies, History and Activity Logs

With  Kaspersky Cleaner , the cleaning process is started by clicking on the Start Scan button , and analysis with the four-stage icons has already been explained previously. At the end it shows a summary screen with each and every one of the defects or deficiencies identified as the appropriate number for each stage or field.

The program can now be downloaded from the Kaspersky servers but, in the case of a Beta version, we warn about the possible occurrence of inconveniences or failures during its execution.

Kaspersky recommends clicking on the Fix button for automatic cleaning. Although it is preferable to take more time and click on the other buttons to know that we will eliminate before starting the cleaning process. To do this, you can click on each and every one of the four icons on the left side of the screen, and then see in detail what the drawbacks are detected program.

In truth, if any of the points marked little, for any reason, can disable the program and does not include cleaning. In a season when everything was chosen, click the Fix button and Kaspersky suppresses all cleaner. One point that has pleased me is the possibility to undo the changes to be satisfied with if something is incorrect. While, in all honesty, to prove the case, I have the feeling that they have not reversed the changes - or at least the non-square numbers.

At the end, Kaspersky Cleaner returns to the primary screen and is ready for use again. Download this Kaspersky utility and optimize your PC to the fullest.

Download Final Kaspersky Cleaner


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