Passmark MemTest86 Pro Edition v.7.3 (ISO/USB) full version free download pc test repair RAM memoriy
MemTest86 is a portable software that boots from USB flash drive or CD and tests/check the RAM memories in your computer detecting errors faults using a series of comprehensive algorithms and test patterns.
13 different RAM testing algorithms
DDR4 RAM (and DDR2 & DDR3) support
XMP - high performance memory profiles
UEFI - The new graphical standard for BIOS
64bit - From version 5, MemTest86 is native 64bit code
ECC RAM - support for error-correcting code RAM
Secure boot - With MemTest86 being code signed by Microsoft
Graphical interface, mouse support and logging of results to disk
Foreign language support (Chinese, German & more)
Self booting off USB or CD, without needing DOS, Linux nor Windows
Dual booting - Will boot to V4 in BIOS and V6 in UEFI from a single flash drive
Memtest86 este aplicatia numarul unu pentru verificarea modulelor de memorie RAM; anul acesta implineste 20 de ani.
Ram-ul consta intr-o matrice de celule,una pentru fiecare bit de date.
Biosul devine nefolositor atunci cand e vorba de erori intermitente de memorie.
Si atunci intra in actiune aceasta aplicatie care face asa:
In principal scrierea unei celule face ca si celelalte adiacente sa fie scrise cu aceeasi valoare.
Deci printr-un anume algoritm scrie o celula cu zero apoi celulele adiacente cu un unu,o data sau de mai multe ori si verifica daca prima celula ramane cu "zero"
In imaginea de mai jos se vad diferentele fata de versiunile anterioare / free, fapt care ii da o valoare de 40 de dulai.
In principal aplicatia aceasta cu care booteaza calculatorul poate rula si pe noile platforme UEFI,avand acces la servicii adiacente precum cei 64 de biti nativi; nu mai face apel la PAE (PAE = Physical Address Extension) , pentru memorii mai mari de 4GB.
Are suport pentru mouse si tastatura pe USB, scrie rapoartele chiar si pe discuri GPT,suport pentru DDR4 RAM (asta din urma deocamdata experimental)
1. Secure Boot is a feature in UEFI that only allows drivers and applications that are signed with an acceptable signature to run on the system. Most systems implement Microsoft Secure Boot, which only allows applications/drivers signed with a Microsoft signature to load properly.^
2. The keyboard now works on systems that fail to emulate IO Port 64/60 correctly. So Mac USB keyboards are now supported.
3. Dual boot with MemTest86 v4 for supporting older systems without UEFI. So with a single USB or CD drive both UEFI systems and BIOS systems can be supported.
4. ECC error injection is a feature that simulates ECC errors in order to test the system's error handling mechanism. Only a limited number of hardware supports this feature.
5. Configuration file allows memory test settings to be pre-defined without the need for keyboard input. This can help with automation.
edit aurel, new version, 27 feb 2017
Passmark MemTest86 Pro Edition v.7.3 (ISO/USB) full versions free download - 24 Mb
13 different RAM testing algorithms
DDR4 RAM (and DDR2 & DDR3) support
XMP - high performance memory profiles
UEFI - The new graphical standard for BIOS
64bit - From version 5, MemTest86 is native 64bit code
ECC RAM - support for error-correcting code RAM
Secure boot - With MemTest86 being code signed by Microsoft
Graphical interface, mouse support and logging of results to disk
Foreign language support (Chinese, German & more)
Self booting off USB or CD, without needing DOS, Linux nor Windows
Dual booting - Will boot to V4 in BIOS and V6 in UEFI from a single flash drive
Memtest86 este aplicatia numarul unu pentru verificarea modulelor de memorie RAM; anul acesta implineste 20 de ani.
Ram-ul consta intr-o matrice de celule,una pentru fiecare bit de date.
Biosul devine nefolositor atunci cand e vorba de erori intermitente de memorie.
Si atunci intra in actiune aceasta aplicatie care face asa:
In principal scrierea unei celule face ca si celelalte adiacente sa fie scrise cu aceeasi valoare.
Deci printr-un anume algoritm scrie o celula cu zero apoi celulele adiacente cu un unu,o data sau de mai multe ori si verifica daca prima celula ramane cu "zero"
In imaginea de mai jos se vad diferentele fata de versiunile anterioare / free, fapt care ii da o valoare de 40 de dulai.
In principal aplicatia aceasta cu care booteaza calculatorul poate rula si pe noile platforme UEFI,avand acces la servicii adiacente precum cei 64 de biti nativi; nu mai face apel la PAE (PAE = Physical Address Extension) , pentru memorii mai mari de 4GB.
Are suport pentru mouse si tastatura pe USB, scrie rapoartele chiar si pe discuri GPT,suport pentru DDR4 RAM (asta din urma deocamdata experimental)
1. Secure Boot is a feature in UEFI that only allows drivers and applications that are signed with an acceptable signature to run on the system. Most systems implement Microsoft Secure Boot, which only allows applications/drivers signed with a Microsoft signature to load properly.^
2. The keyboard now works on systems that fail to emulate IO Port 64/60 correctly. So Mac USB keyboards are now supported.
3. Dual boot with MemTest86 v4 for supporting older systems without UEFI. So with a single USB or CD drive both UEFI systems and BIOS systems can be supported.
4. ECC error injection is a feature that simulates ECC errors in order to test the system's error handling mechanism. Only a limited number of hardware supports this feature.
5. Configuration file allows memory test settings to be pre-defined without the need for keyboard input. This can help with automation.
edit aurel, new version, 27 feb 2017
Passmark MemTest86 Pro Edition v.7.3 (ISO/USB) full versions free download - 24 Mb
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